Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 78

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 8
issue Number : 78

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 8، ، issue Number 78

The characterization and maternal components of the myth in the female protagonist (based on the stories of Suvashun and Jai Khali of Sulooch)

Tahereh Roozbehani , Nahid Azizi (Author in Charge), Hojjatollah Gh Moniri


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Characterization is the most important element in modern other elements such as: truth-likeness, scene, space, color, dialogue, and etc. Which become stronger and more consistent under the influence of the composition and dealing in "character”. On the other hand, what is considered in cultivating the element of character in modern stories, it is the use of psychological components. Among these, Jung"s psychological teachings (archetype = archetypes) have been the most influential. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the myth-historical role of the mother of a female heroine (Based on two famous novels: Suvshun and Jai Khali Sulooch, respectively: SiminDaneshvar and Mahmoud Dolatabadi).

METHODOLOGY: The study method in this research has been the collection of library resources and based on analysis and description. In the first stage, by studying the stories of Suvashun (by SiminDaneshvar) and Jai Khali Sulouch (by Mahmoud Dolatabadi), the mother role of female heroes (Zari and Morgan) is considered. And then, this role is evaluated from the perspective of myth or archetype with their historical and real situation.

FINDINGS: SiminDuneshvar andMahmoud Dolatabadi were famous novelists with a contemporary style, and in this case, they have had many technical and artistic influences on the progress of storytelling after themselves. These two writers have been authoritative in the subject of "personality" and "characterization", So that the reader associates and identification with the character of the hero in their stories. And what is wrapped up as a "message" in the midst of events is accepted by the soul.

One of the prominent characters in the stories of these two writers is a woman - especially as a mother.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that: SiminDaneshvar and Mahmmood Dolatabadi have been the most famous and influential writers of the present century who have had special skills in composition and dealing for their narrative elements - especially characters. Despite the sex differences between them, these two authors have shared in presenting a true face and model of an Eastern-Iranian woman (in mythological and historical dimensions). And this role has been portrayed as befitting the ancient and historical position of this class in the cultural and social relations of the studied history.

Characterization , Mother Myth , Suvshun , Jai Khali Salouch

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